Friday, April 16, 2010

Chemotherapy Treatment #1

Well, I made it through! It was a long day, but I made it! We got there early but still had to wait in the waiting room even past the time of our scheduled appointment! We met with Dr. Webster who looked over my labs and talked with us about the possibility of adding the 3rd chemo drug (Taxol) into the 2 that I'm getting right now. It is a more agressive treatment and therefore would be harder on my body and I would have antibiotics in between treatments because I would be very susceptible to infections and getting sick. We all decided that the best course would be to start with the 2 drugs that we planned on and see if the tumor responds to it in two weeks (which I'm praying and claiming that from the Lord), but if it doesn't shrink, then we might try to add in the T and just see if that makes a difference.

Anyway, after the doctor visit, Todd and I took the elevator upstairs to the Chemotherapy Suite. Then we waited in the waiting area for what seemed like forever! It was agonizing - I was so nervous! So, a nurse finally comes out for us and takes us in. It's just a huge room filled with recliner chairs and IV stands. She told us we could choose what chairs we wanted so we chose two right next to some windows. There weren't many patients there at that time, so Todd was able to sit in a recliner chair right next to me! They have free wifi so he set up the laptop and surfed the internet! He was comfortable.

The nurse was very sweet and comforting and explained all of the drugs that she was going to be putting into me! She put an IV in first (I'll get a port put in next Thursday which will be so much easier) and then started the anti-nauseau medicications first and one of those is also a steroid which helps one of the anti-nauseu medicines to work better and another one was a anti-anxiety type medicine to relax me! That took awhile for all of those to drip through the IV. Then she came over and gave me my first chemo drug which was actually pushed into my IV line - it was red in color which was strange and thus I found out that it comes out red too if you know what I mean! She said that was what would happen! Anyway, then the other chemo drug was an IV drip and took about 45 minutes.

I was very comfortable, I ate snacks, drank water and juice, played the DS, rested, and relaxed. Todd surprised me right after I was settled in with my IV and the first set of anti-nauseau medications - he brought out two cards - one from Paige and one from Claire! I got teary-eyed! He had them make them last night while I was at Kids Jam practice! So sneaky! Each card had a photo of their beautiful faces so that I could just look over and see my girls and see how much they love me! It was such a great surprise! Todd is awesome! He has been waiting on me hand and foot! He even drove all the way out to Wilsonville this evening to get the anti-nauseau prescription pills that I needed but no pharmacies around here had them! He's so great!

And a sweet friend brought us dinner tonight which was so yummy and so nice to not have to worry about cooking dinner! I am so blessed with so many wonderful friends and supporters! Even if you are far away, I know that you are praying for me and thank you for all of your encouraging messages to me! I appreciate each and every one of you! Words cannot even begin to express how thankful I am for last minute childcare, dinners, flowers, cards, meals, prayers, words of encouragement, hugs, everything! THANK YOU!

So far, I don't have any nauseau but I have quite a cocktail of anti-nauseau meds in me right now! And I have an arsenal of meds to take at the slightest hint of nauseau! But please keep praying that it will stay at bay! I am pretty tired tonight though. Not necessarily fatigued, but tired.

Anyway, thank you for following my blog and I will keep updating!


  1. Linda, you are so brave. Thanks for sharing everything with all of us. So many people love you and are praying for you! You're a great friend.

  2. I thought of you all day Linda- I am so glad that you had a good day given the heaviness of it all. Hugs to you and prayers for good night of sleep and a restful weekend.

  3. I have been praying for you since I read your blog the other day.I am here if you need anything.Please do not be afraid to ask.Believing for a complete healing In the name of Jesus!(Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' Isa 41:10)

  4. Glad all is going well so far....think of you often and praying your treatments do what they need to do. Love n hugs.

  5. I was reminded to pray for you yesterday. I hope you feel the comfort and presence of God and continue to feel no nausea. Fight on Linda! It is an honor to get to cheer you on. You are in our prayers.

  6. My Dear Sweet Linda, So sorry Papa and I have been so ill that we are not able to help out right now. You are in our prayers moment by moment! Steel has to go through the fire to become strong. We lay our burdens at the feet of Jesus! Keep a song in your heart and in the end we know who wins this battle! Thank you Jesus for Linda's life and gifts she has to give in her earthly journey. We love you so very much and so glad that we can call you daughter!
    Only by His Grace, Mom and Dad
