Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010

It is Wednesday evening and I'm just now starting to feel better from this round of chemo. Last time I was starting to feel better by Tuesday. I can see that each time it is going to be harder and take longer to recover from. I didn't really have bad nauseau - I just didn't feel good and was very, very fatigued. However, I muscled through piano lessons yesterday and today. I'm looking forward to feeling even better tomorrow! Thanks again to all who have supported me and brought us meals and picked up the girls from school! I appreciate all of you!


  1. I miss you Linda! Hugs n PRAYERS!
    Mom D. ^j^

  2. You are so welcome. Thank you for letting us do something for you. It gives us purpose and we want to bless you beyond all measure. Rest up and enjoy your weekend. Next week will be even better!
    Lisa J.
